Jazz Hands for Autism

10220 Culver Blvd, Ste 101, Culver City, CA 90232

Student Application - Musicians Academy

New Student Application (JHMA)

Welcome to the Jazz Hands Musicians Academy (JHMA). Please fill out this intake form

Click Here if you are applying for the Jazz Hands For Autism Junior Academy

For other inquiries, email us at info@jazzhandsforautism.org

Please Note: Questions on this form are for the sole purpose of collecting background information on each student in order to develop an individualized music-based vocational training and job placement program to meet his/her unique needs. All given information is strictly confidential.

1. Fill out this form
2. Upload Intake Audition Video. Video must consist of you performing and showcasing your musical talents. It should be no longer than five (5) minutes. Upload your Intake Audition Video here.
3. Read carefully and sign the JHMA Ground Rules & Expectations (GRE) here

If you have not done so already, please schedule an intake interview using this LINK


Fill out with the information of applicant

what do you want to be called?

put N/A if not applicable


Any Special Arrangements, assistance student needs,etc.

Explain way of communication, if Verbal or non verbal. Does this student possess any difficulties in communication? Indicate N/A if not applicable

Add notes/Explain if need be

(mobility arrangements, one-on-one staff, nonverbal, etc. If none, please enter N/A)

Do you need long breaks or short breaks? How long can you focus in class? How many back to back classes are you okay with taking? Do you need long breaks(1hr) or short breaks (5-15 min) if you are taking 4-6 back to back classes in one day? Explain.

ABA Therapist, Communication Partner, etc. Put N/A if none

ABA Therapist, Communication Partner, etc. Put N/A if none

ABA Therapist, Communication Partner, etc. Put N/A if none

Do you use the bus? Access? Get rides from mom/dad/ family? Do you travel on your own?


We would like to hear about your current learning environment

Pick the one that best explains your learning environment at home

put N/A if not applicable

Check the boxes of all materials you have. You can select multiple learning materials

put N/A if not applicable

Tell us what type of internet connection you have

Put N/A if not applicable

Diagnostic Assessment Preparation

Every incoming student of the Jazz Hands Musicians Academy (JHMA) is required to complete a diagnostic assessment on August or September to give us an idea of what you currently know in: music theory and 1-2 instrument(s) you want to learn at JHMA. The questions below will let us know how to help you prepare for the JHMA diagnostic assessment. The Diagnostic Assessment will be administered using a computer with a proctor in person at our studio. More details about the Diagnostic will be provided once you are admitted in the program.

Support means help clarifying questions, help logging on to the online system, etc

put N/A if not applicable

Personal Health Information

Everything in this section is confidential

Please include all diagnoses including behavioral, developmental and medical put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

(indicate N/A if none available)

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

please put in dollar amount; if you are not sure, put an estimate amount; put N/A if not applicable

Tuition Fees & Payment

Select N/A if Not Applicable

put N/A if not applicable

Emergency Contact Information

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

Demographic Info

For JHFA data and report purposes. Choices based on 2020 U.S. Census. Check all that apply. Specify more details on.

What is race?
The Census Bureau defines race as a person’s self-identification with one or more social groups. An individual can report as White, Black or African American, Asian, American Indian and Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, or some other race. Survey respondents may report multiple races.

What is ethnicity?
Ethnicity determines whether a person is of Hispanic origin or not. For this reason, ethnicity is broken out in two categories, Hispanic or Latino and Not Hispanic or Latino. Hispanics may report as any race.

If you have selected

check all that apply

Choices based on 2020 U.S. Census. Check all that apply. Specify more details on.

If you have selected

put N/A if not applicable


Skills, volunteer experience, work experience

What other talents or skills do you have aside from music? (acting, drawing, animation, etc)

What other interest do you have aside from music? (acting, drawing, animation, etc)

put N/A if not applicable

Musical Information

How do you want to be called as an Artist?

What musical skills do you want to learn? What musical preferences when learning?

What songs do you want to learn? What song genres are you open to learn? Write the name of the song and the original artist. If it is an original song, please indicate that

Describe any musical experience you had in the past. mention instruments if applicable (#years playing, how was trained with instrument, self taught/1on1 lessons). Mention any music production software you have experience in if applicable

Which music skill you'd like to learn or train with at JHMA?

Would you like to learn a secondary instrument other than the first one? If yes pick one that's different than the first one.

Check all that apply. Any additional instruments that you'd like to learn?

put N/A if not applicable

answer with the best of your ability. There is no right or wrong answer.

what do you want to learn, what are your goals by the end of this program, what do you need help on, etc.

What are your long term goals? What do you want to be in 3 years from now? 5 years? 10 years? If you don't know it, put I don't know

Write the name of the song and the original artist. If it is an original song, please indicate that


What are your social media links?

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

put N/A if not applicable

Weekly Availability to take Lessons

Fill out your weekly availability to help us get an idea how to build your class schedule.

Check your availability for this day

Check your availability for this day

Check your availability for this day

Check your availability for this day

Check your availability for this day

Check your availability for this day

Write down additional comments about your weekly availability


Anything else you'd like JHFA to know


Please sign
For any additional questions, please email us at info@jazzhandsforautism.org with subject line: INTAKE/ADMISSION - Musicians Academy

Upload Audition Video and Sign JHMA GRE

Don't forget to upload your Intake Audition Video. Video must consist of you performing and showcasing your musical talents. It should be no longer than five (5) minutes. Upload your Intake Audition Video here.

Also, make sure you read carefully and sign the JHMA Ground Rules & Expectations (GRE) here

If you have not done so already, please schedule an intake interview using this LINK


For any additional questions, please email us at info@jazzhandsforautism.org with subject line: INTAKE/ADMISSION